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Author Archives: Louise Savoie


Why Adequate Staffing Is Important in Healthcare

Inadequate healthcare staffing is a serious issue that affects the quality and safety of patient care. When there are not enough nurses, home health aides, or other health professionals to meet the demand, patients may experience longer wait times an...

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How to Choose the Right Hospice Care Provider

Hospice care is a type of care that focuses on improving the quality of life and comfort of people with a terminal illness. Choosing the right hospice care provider can be a difficult and emotional decision since there are many factors that you need ...

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The Need for Good Care Companions

We all have companions throughout almost every stage of our lives. However, their impact on our lives is greatly emphasized when we enter our senior years or when we experience life-limiting illnesses. As practitioners of healthcare in Massachusetts...

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Make Time For Social Interactions

Getting diagnosed with a terminal illness can be a highly stressful ordeal for patients and their families. Because health disorders have deeply negative effects on one’s physical and mental wellness, taking steps to preserve the quality of life sh...

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Ideal Qualities of a Good Hospice Nurse

Seeking hospice care is an important decision that patients with terminal illnesses and their families make. Various factors have to be considered, such as the affordability of the services, the accessibility of the care facility, and the reliability...

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Tips for Seniors Living with Dementia

Dementia affects many seniors worldwide. When it progresses, it does not only affect their cognitive faculties but also their overall quality of life. However, during early-stage dementia, some seniors can still manage to live independently. They can...

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