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Signs That Indicate a Need for In-Home Care


Although your elderly parent may be living independently today, there will come a time when they need additional help at home. After nearly a lifetime of independence, it is not always easy for seniors to admit that they need help. In addition to healthcare in Massachusetts, a home care agency can help seniors retain independence as they age.

As a leading home care and staffing agency, we will discuss the signs that indicate a need for home care services:

  • Inability to perform daily tasks.

    Activities of daily living include tasks like eating, personal grooming, bathing, and similar activities. When your loved one is no longer capable of performing these tasks, additional help is needed. Home health aides can help seniors with once-familiar tasks like preparing meals, grooming, and light housekeeping to promote comfort and overall wellness.

  • Changes in personality and appearance.

    Changes in a senior’s behavior and appearance indicate they need additional help at home. Changes in personal hygiene and diet signify they are experiencing a shift in their mental and/or physical status. This may also signify their functional abilities are starting to decline.

  • Frequent memory problems.

    Frequent forgetfulness is not a healthy part of aging. Forgetfulness and behaviors associated with memory loss can be a sign that home care is a necessity. Increased confusion, missed doctor appointments, and the inability to keep track of monthly bills are indicators that your senior loved one requires extra help at home.

We at Adams Healthcare and Staffing LLC acknowledge the importance of family. Hence, we make sure to treat our clients like they are family. To learn more about arranging home care or hospice care in Boston, Massachusetts, reach out to us today.

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